Customer Portal FAQs
Brokers have been asking lots of great questions about the Customer Portal and so we have captured them all in this one place.
We will continued updating this as more questions come in.
Is this CDR feature an additional cost to the monthly subscription?
No the connection to the CDR portal does not cost extra at this stage. We've added this feature for free to all Sherlok Brokers and Sherlok is covering the connection costs.
What is the Customer Portal Email Template?
This is the email branded as the broker that you will send to your clients inviting them to update their loan information, automatically by consenting to open banking or manually.
What is the Customer Portal?
This is where we will maintain your Clients Loan Information to keep it live and up to date. If your clients consent to open banking then this data will be updated live but if they are not comfortable they can update their loan data manually.
Why are we launching the Customer Portal?
The Customer Portal will mean that instead of relying on the lender to provide updated loan information for each of your clients, we can access this data live with Open Banking or by requesting that your clients provide this information manually.
Is there an email notification to the broker in relation to status changes (ie lender approves reduction to rate)?
Yes there are a range of different broker notifications to alert them to when reprices have returned from the lender. You'll also get activity updates added to the comments so you can see what was done, by who and when. EG: customer portal email sent to client, client viewed customer portal, client completed customer portal and updated data, reprice sent to lender, reprice escalated with lender etc..
Can we use it for new clients or only clients that are existing. I.e. if someone not on our books calls up and asks us to see if we can drop their rate, can Sherlock assist? And how do you get around BID?
At the moment Sherlok can only work with clients that have been added via your CRM or via an integration with your CRM. Individuals that are not on Sherlok or part of your trail cannot be manually added to the system for repricing but this is functionality that may be part of future developments.
Can I opt out of the Customer Portal?
Unfortunately it’s not a feature that you can opt out of because we need updated client loan data in order to process reprices. If your clients are uncomfortable consenting to Open Banking, then they can update the loan information manually.