How do I postpone a reprice?
With Sherlok, you retain full control over who gets repriced.
You can easily dismiss a reprice queued for the week, ensuring it doesn’t proceed. If you prefer to skip a reprice, you can select a later date, preventing the loan from being queued again until that chosen time. This flexibility allows you to manage repricing on your terms while optimising client outcomes.
- Navigate to the Reprices section in the left-hand menu.
- Select the Queued for Approval tab to view the queued reprices.
- Locate the client whose reprice you wish to dismiss.
- Click the X button next to the client’s name to postpone the request.
👀 Refer to the interactive demo below for clarity.
Once the selected time has passed, the loan becomes eligible for queuing again. Its retention score will then determine how soon it appears in your Queued for Approval.