Text message

Sherlok Text Messages

When brokers send emails out of the Sherlok system, it will include a text message version. See below for text message content.

1. Approved - Exclude Comparisons

Hi {CustomerFirstName},
Home loan review complete, potential savings ${PotentialYearlySavings} p.a. Check email to action.
Thanks {BrokerFirstName}, {BrokerLastName} {BrokerMobileNumber}

2. Approved - Include Comparisons

Hi {CustomerFirstName},
We’ve reduced your rate with {CurrentLender}. Check email for savings.
Thanks {BrokerFirstName}, {BrokerLastName} {BrokerMobileNumber}

3. Declined - Exclude Comparisons

Hi {CustomerFirstName},
I’ve emailed you about your loan(s) with {CurrentLender}. See email for more info.
Thanks {BrokerFirstName}, {BrokerLastName} {BrokerMobileNumber}

4. Declined - Include Comparisons

Hi {CustomerFirstName},
Home loan review complete, potential savings ${PotentialYearlySavings} p.a. Check email to action.
Thanks {BrokerFirstName}, {BrokerLastName} {BrokerMobileNumber}

5. Customer Portal - Initial Invite

Hi {CustomerFirstName}. Please action your email for {CurrentLender} rate review. Thanks {BrokerFirstName}, {BrokerLastName} {BrokerMobileNumber}

6. Customer Portal - Follow Up to Invite

Hi {CustomerFirstName}. Please action your email for {CurrentLender} rate review. Thanks {BrokerFirstName}, {BrokerLastName} {BrokerMobileNumber}

Note: That you have the option to disable text messages when sending the email by unticking the checkbox.

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